Business Sales and Advice

Business Sales and Advice

We have extensive experience in advising clients in a variety of businesses, including professional, retail, franchise, wholesale and manufacturing.

Buying a business is often the most important investment you will make in your lifetime, and it is incredibly important to get it right from the beginning. This includes everything from the drafting of contracts, to the negotiation and settlement of business sales and purchases.

Important matters to be taken into account are the assignment of any lease associated with the business premises, the entity which purchases the business, whether any assets of the business are encumbered, restraint of the seller or other key persons competing against you, transfer and discharge of employee entitlements.

It is essential to get these terms of the contract of sale correct, so that it protects your assets and provides for your financial future.

GSS will work in with your accountant and financial advisors to ensure that the business structure minimises your exposure to income tax, GST, CGT and stamp duty liabilities.

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